Tuesday, January 17, 2012

One Life To Live

It hit me today when I got home from work that One Life To Live wasn't on anymore. Out of habit for over five years I'd come home find the remote and hit the rewind and watch the show. I still feel like I've forgotten to do something I've watched the show since 1977. There was a couple years while at college and when I lived in the wilds of Montana that I wasn't able to watch it and had to keep up with the updates in the paper. When I tell people I'm a soap watcher they would ask which one? Well One Life to Live. When is that on? Oh its that wild one between All My Children and General Hospital. Yes they have gone to heaven three times, Hell,into the past and a secret underground city of Eterna. They were also the first to do inner racial dating.Hooker Housewives,D.A.D,they talked about AIDs and had active normal (for a soap) gay characters. I would say to people that it was the funniest hour on TV to me. They were a part of my family. No matter what was going on in my life I could always go to Llanview PA for a bit of Viki and Dorian. I'm not going to start watching any of the other few left. One Life was my soap and I will miss it. Below are the words to the theme song of the show from the early 90s. Some times when I'm bored and will break into singing this. People will know that they heard it somewhere but not know quite from where.

 Here's what you do When you don't find the rainbow's end This time. Here's where you go When it looks like the rain won't end Don't cry There's always tommorrow Where you can have a second chance And after tommorrow All that you have to remember. Here's what you do When you think nobody cares For you. Look in my eyes And see there's an answer there It's true We'll find tommorrows A place for us I know because Time only knows How long forever's gonna last and we don't even need to ask Let's live today And find someone to share it with Cause we only have one life to live (intrumental) Don't cry I'll give you tommorrow Let me the be to share it with And each day that follows Cause you only have one life to live!

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