Saturday, March 12, 2005

Day with the babies.

Had the twin terrors today. Oh they aren't that bad. Savaie just would scream at the drop of a hat. It could have something to do with not pooing. Cono is the same. Hold me and I'm yours baby. Took them out to the store. Its funny to see who does and doesn't want to hold them. They are 2 1/2 months old. they follow you with their eyes and smile. Don't know if it's still gas or they find something in their world that is funny. 9 hrs was a bit much. It will only get worse they won't take as many naps. I need to pace myself. Or get to bed before midnight the night before.

Savie is still the bigger. I think she always will be. She the one that looks like her dad. Dark hair clef chin,olive skin. Moody. but you didn't hear that from me. She smiles more and bigger, that is when she is awake. The kid can still sleep 20 hours a day.

Cono still the little sister in many ways. She looks like mom. Blonde,big eyes,peaches and cream skin. If she can find a pulse point she is in heaven... sleep and eats in small bits.

I noticed that Savie favours her right hand when sucking it and Cono her left...Oh this should be fun down the road.

Change the shirt,change the sheets, flip the mattress. Another day with the babies comes to an end...God do I need a Dr Pepper.

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