Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I waited five months for this.

Emmerdale the British soap that I follow has had a who dun it for the last 5 months. They have a online game to go along with it...Who Killed Tom King? Well I hate to say it but I don't care. His death didn't have that many ripples in anyone else's story lines.
The online game wasn't that great. I thought it would be like one long game of Clue. No luck. I had stuff from the other storylines that had nothing to do with the murder. But tomorrow its all over. I say Len...but that's to easy.

yeah yeah...none of you know what the heck I'm talking about ....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And the winner is.....Carl King!! I swore it was Matthew or Jimmy. Figures. Oh well,poor Len popped his clogs and missed out on the whole mess anyhow.