Thursday, August 13, 2009

Scott Country Park

After a dinner of pasta,bread and whipped cream and raspberries it was time to walk off some sugar. Hadn't done Scott Co Park. When we went up we figured that it had been more then 10 years since we'd been there...Changes...just a few.

This should be easy just follow the trail...To bad we could take that with us.

It was ok on the bridge til she got to the middle and it moved a little...Off she came.
Looking north from the bridge...look how clear that water is.
If you look way over here Constance you can see the bottom...closer...closer...
A little creek coming down the hill
Cody Lake...what you can't see it for all the grass....Its that wet spot way in the back on the right hand side. Drained or dried up not really sure.

and we got a little lost and Constance freaked out at any bug on the trail.

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