Friday, February 27, 2009

The Theme is?

Most blogs have some kind of theme or common thread that runs through it. I thought that mine would be my thoughts on my TV watching. Brit soaps specifically.
Well I get so back logged on those that when I do watch its 5-6 hours worth at a time. And giving my thoughts on that would be difficult.
Then I thought the girls. Letters to Aunt Sarah and outtings with them. Then some one ruined that for me by saying that perverts are out looking for pictures of little kids....ick...Makes me want to take all the pictures down.

Now I think I have a theme.Illness. Does n't that just sound uplifting and something that you want to came back for?
I'm a new diabetic. 2/2/09 one of those days that will stick with me. Stick with me...ha a pun and having to take my blood samples...
Now a month later is it any better...well no. I've still got it but the symptoms are less. I no longer drink 6 gallons of water a day and hit the rest room every hour day and night. I take my two little pills a day and eat healthy. Now here is a funny thing. I went for some diabetic education and was told I'm eating healthy but not getting enough carbs in my diet. I'm not eating enough...WOW...I don't ever think I've heard that in my life. So now I have to find the stuff that I cut out and take it in little portions.

I'm still not friends with Vlad my lancette. I don't like the sight of blood no matter how small and never will.

I was asked how I felt about it and I was honest. I'm pissed at my body for doing this to me...I'm taking the darn pills why isn't everything all better now? I should find out who makes the pills because they must be making a mint.

Next week I'm going for 10hrs of diabetic training. I'm sure that will be fun. It should at the price they are charging. Must not think about price when it comes to ones health...but still...

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