Saturday, February 07, 2009

What Happen to January

The old saying goes "time flies when your having fun." Well that's a bunch of BS. The month of January slide by and I wasn't having fun. On New Years Day I heard one of the radio stations say its all going to be fine in 09. Haven't heard that since...wonder why? Banks,automakers,housing,jobs going away. Who's to blame...Lets not go into that...
So what happened in January. Well a some birthdays and a couple deaths. My darling older sisters turned 55 and 53 and I have a great niece who is 17 now.....oh that makes me feel old.

So what else happened in January...I haven't feel good since thanksgiving. Took the symptoms and looked into Web MD. It was something I knew I had a big chance of getting. Family history and all that fun stuff...Diabetes. Did I do anything about it? No I waited for almost three months...well part of that was getting in to see a doctor. I did get a lot of not taking new patients also.
So I dragged through Christmas and the New Year. But it wasn't going to stop me from taking the road trip of my life.
I went out to D.C. to see the Inauguration. Stayed with a friend and froze by but off. But I was there. Back about the Washington Monument. The parade we watched from the comfort of his home. From what you saw on tv it was that great and more. Na Na Hey Hey...good bye.

When I got back it was back to the grindstone and inventory at work. So that brings me to the end of the month. There was a lot of other drama going on but just let that slide into history and forget about it.
So now its February I'm trying to get my head around carbs and sugars and Diet Dr Pepper. Is it all going to be fine in 09 maybe...

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