Sunday, July 09, 2006

The twins in 2021

The twins in 2021
How was school today?,
it was ok but Mindy came to school wearing last years hair tie. how bad is that I know her family had a fire but you musts keep up appearances no matter what, and Mr. Carter the math teacher thinks he's so stylish but he had a tie on today that had a stain on it how can you wear something that has a stain it was all I could do to take my eyes off it in class it was just so big and out there and then at lunch Bobby tried to be cool and put his arm around me but I acted like I didn't know what was happening. He thinks he so cool but I think he wears make-up to cover his zits.
I was ok........lunch was good......hit a girl with the stick in field hockey...she got in my way....the gas station across the street got robbed.....ask Constance about it I think she was there buying her cigarettes......oh look cookies

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