Sunday, March 23, 2008

Who Is William Ackman And What Does He Mean To Me?

In the last couple days Borders Books Music and Cafe has been making the news. Not in a good way. The CEO George Jones (not the country singer) announced we aren't doing so good. Well this takes me back to my days at Montgomery Ward. But that's a whole other post.
The media is making it out to be worse then it really is...or from what I've read. And there is a lot out there to read. It goes from the bad....Borders to be sold to rival Barnes and the worse...Borders closing...People don't see the coulds...the maybe...the possibles.... The answer is and no...The company is just facing a little cash shortage and need a little help.
Well the name that keeps coming up in this and has been a small presents in the back til now is one William Ackman. He's CEO of Pershing Square Capital Management LP. A hedge fund place. I don't know what all that means but Mr. A. could end up owning 40% of the company and that would mean he's my boss.
So who is William Ackman? I did my little research and didn't find that much. He's 41 which means he was born in 1966 or 1967. He went to Harvard Class of 1988 and then Harvard Business School Class of 1992. Pershing Square was started in 2003. And his home base is New York City. He looks like Anderson Cooper with his salt and pepper hair.Growing up wealthy in New York must turn guys hair gray at an early age.It does seem like the family must have had money for him to go to Harvard. But I don't know that for a fact.Still checking.
But really who is he. Does he like books,CDs.Dvds ? Is he a coffee drinker or is he just in it for a quick buck? He helped turn around McDonald,Wendys and Target. Three places I didn't know needed help.
Is there a Mrs that he goes home to at night. Kids the inherit dads billions. Does he like puppies and sunsets?
So will he become a four letter word around my co workers and I with his ideas or the saint who is spoken of in reverent tones.
Only time will tell....note to self update resume on Monster.

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