Sunday, April 05, 2009

Mac And Cheese And A Run In The Park

Had the girls for the weekend. They have grown so much. They are at the stage that they ask questions that I really don't know how to ask. But they got here and I made them dinner. Then they got wild on me (it could have been the 2LBs of M&Ms I gave them) So we went for a walk in the park near here.The sun was still up and it was in the upper 60s. Two times around the park. I don't think I'll go back to this park for my walks. Its right on the main streets and the exhaust fumes got to me,and the people walking kinda rude. So any way we walked around a could times and we went past the church at the one end. The girls see the cross on the top and ask if Aunt Sarah goes there? No she doesn't...Does she know the people that go there? ...Not that I know of...See the questions..And those are some of the easier ones.
Then nature calls for one of the girls so we leave. That night when it was bed time the girls had little fight in them and out like a light in under 15 minutes.

For breakfast the next morning we had waffles and sausage. It was Constance that ate her's all down. Savannah picked at hers. Then for the 200000 time they watched Happy Feet. We thought about going for a walk but it only got to the low 40s here. Then we played hide and seek and 20 questions...Why do they ring the bells at the church across the street from you? To wake the people there. :) Then I got the I'M HUNGRY.I guess waffles just don't stick. So for lunch it was the home made Mac and box or instant...I was told I'm almost as good a cooker as Mom...

Now all through this weekend every time I'd look over the girls would have put their little stuffed dog. Its the one I call Evil attacks you when your not looking...the girls would put it down and then laugh and laugh until I would notice it. And then it would attack...cujo cujo noooooo. I was told it was a girl dog not a boy dog.Boy dogs wouldn't do that...

MMMM Mac and Cheese.

Give peace a chance

OH NO.....EVIL DOG!!!!!!!!

Get my walking shoes on

St Pauls Luthern.

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