Friday, July 27, 2007

And the end

I finally finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Plotlines. I'm not going to do a chapter by chapter review of it. J.K. is a great story teller,just not a good writer. Plot holes the size of Texas,action scenes that drag and 1.5 dimension characters.And this is not a kids book. The age level of the language is junoir high or higher. I hope some third grader doesn't sit down and read it.Mommy what does.....mean? Oh the religious nuts will have a field day with this.
Yeah,yeah, I know whine,but I still read it ...wanted to know how it all ended..yep wrapped up in a pretty tartan colour package. It will be interesting to see how some of the book it played out in the movie. CGI is their friend. Its now in the pipeline that she's writing a 8 book. No need to get in line just yet. Its going to be an index of all the people and places and what not of the books.for the obsessed...Now I'll just hang on to them and wait for the girls to be old enough to read them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes just what we need..people calling us and harassing us about another stupid JK Rowling book. totally thrilling. i can already hear the stupid questions from people, cant you?