Sunday, July 01, 2007

Harry Potter and The Bag Of Money

Unless your living under a rock, you know that on July 21st the last ever Harry Potter book will be released. When I heard that back in December ,I thought now was the time to read them. My plan was to slowly read them over the months. One book for each month. Well I kept putting it off
because I was hoping to find them in used bookstores. I was going to read them no matter how much I hated them but I wasn't going to pay full price. So i found the first one at Goodwill. Then got the third one of the Printer's row Book Fair...So on June 21st I started the first one. It being a kids book I knocked out that one in a day. Then I had to get the second one.(walmart) Finished that one in the weekend and number three that Tuesday. Then I hit the major hurdle. The Goblet of Fire. That one took most of a week. You can tell that they must not be editing her any more. Now I working my way through the order of the Phoenix. Plots going left and right what aren't they telling him, who's good who's evil? People that I've talked to say that 5 and 6 are the ones that they dislike. They are just big set ups for the last one. Don't expect answers to any questions. What is this Lost?
So far the books have been OK. I in my snobbish literary way see ways that they could have been improved,but I'm a lowly retailslave and J.K. has more money then the Queen so she must be doing something right. I also like that they have cleaned up J.K.s image. When the first one came out she was a broke single
mother who had to take a writing class for part of her fine for getting into a drunken fight with someone. She was drunk in a pub when the idea hit her. Now she said that she always loved to write and that she did it in outdoor cafes. They don't have outdoor cafes in Scotland.
How does it all end? J.K. sits back and counts her money. generations of kids have something to look forward to. It may even turn out to be the 21st century's Narnia. I myself think its all a bored kids dream.

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