Sunday, July 29, 2007

Deep thoughts

What you doing Constance?
Contemplating the effects that Creation versus evolution will have on the modern house cat in the 21st century.
No really, what are you doing?
Reviewing the irony in Proust and how it mirrors life in urban America.
Trying to decide if I want a cookie or a brownie or both.
Go for both….I’m bored…
What? Finished destroying all the toys, Savannah?
I’m testing there endurance.
Note to self…never ride with Savannah when she drives a car..
What, Constance?
Maybe we can go over to Uncles. That was fun.
Yes except for the button pushing episode.
People of the world are relying too much on their remotes. They need to get up and do the stuff manually.
He told you no, and stop it, repeatedly. Savannah. I think that you got off lightly. He’s not a push over like some people.
Who is a push over….
Really Savannah…
Uncle does need to get Happy Feet. I sure mom would love to give it to him. I wonder why she gets that far away look when we ask for it…
I don’t know Savannah…and there is the little twitch in her eye.
I was surprised that he didn't get upset when he found that I had put some designs on his boring pillowcase.
Yeah Savannah I thought that was going to be a time out for sure. I sometimes think that you are on time out more then free.
I’m a free spirit sister.
The word brat comes to mind.
Me? a brat
If the b fits. And I'm sure you will be called another b word later in life.
You just think your smart cuz you never get into trouble with him…St. Constance.
Oh you didn’t see the look I got when I hit the singing rabbits foot for the fifth time…Notice how that has been moved up high now.
Food is good at uncles house.
Eggs,sausage,toast, juice
Then turkey and stuffing later for lunch. I was so sleepy after that…I wonder why he had us eat it all?
Don’t know Savannah, maybe he knew you could eat an entire turkey breast by your self.
I wonder when he’s going have that little boy over again.
Don’t like someone else stealing your spot light Constance.
Eat your cookie Savannah….hey that’s mine….

1 comment:

thor said...

i really like this.
you are a very fine writer.
do more of these.

(no. i'm not drunk.)

thor has spoken.